Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Life of Pi

It must be the hormones and the PMS since I was alternately crying and laughing during the movie. Good thing we decided to watch it in 3D and I had the cover of the 3D glasses. Geez, believe me when I say tears were streaming down my face. Tsktsk.

I cried when Pi lost his family. I cried when the orangutan was killed by the hyena. I cried when I thought Richard Parker, the tiger, died. And I cried when Richard Parker left Pi and did not look back. So many tears shed in this movie but there was still that feeling of life after the storm (literally). Oh hey, I was dumbstruck when I heard the cook story. That part, I did not cry!

There were also some funny scenes which made me smile and laugh. And I just loved how Pi had a very positive attitude despite everything that has happened to him. I think I would have died on the first day if I were in his place. If only everyone would have Pi's positive outlook, the world would definitely be a better place.

And after watching the movie, it made me think of God again. It's been a looong time since I've been to the church and well, it made me want to believe in Him again. It's not that I don't believe at all but sometimes I forget.  I know that He is always around us but it made me want to seek Him again - not only in times of trouble, but in blissful days as well. I need to be more thankful and grateful for all the blessings from Him.

On another note, seeing it in 3D was awesome. The animals in the zoo, especially the birds, looked very real. And I felt like I could just push aside the leaves of the trees to get a better view of the zoo. The amazing colorful high of the sea at night was also amazing. I just feel like it lacked those scenes where the character of the movie seemed like it would come right at you or that feeling that everything on screen is really in front of you. Remember the time you saw Avatar on IMAX 3D? That was really unforgettable. Or was it because it was IMAX and SM had lousy regular screenings (In fairness, di kami pinatayan ng aircon this time)?

Kudos to Ang Lee for another great film! All those Academy Awards nominations are well-deserved.

photo from jaymckinnon.com

photo from 20th century fox


"I have a story that will make you believe in God."

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